Friday 17 February 2012

critical investigation Historical + poltical paragraph

The way Female hip hop artist are protrayed within the industries can also be conncted to the historical an political factors within society. One of my historical text compare to Nicki Minaj was Queen Latifah . When queen latifah was extablished , issues about power for black females was a hot topic. Therefore the represnetation for females within the hip hop industrie was stronger and determined as they were fighting for rights and issues. Queen Latifah was projected quite masculine within the hip hop error and wasnt objectified the way hip hop artist are today." Studies in the late 1970s and early 1980 saw a continuation of these trends, with men often shon st work and women as housewifes. Nevertheless, it becamse somewhat more common for men to be shown at home as well , in the role of husband or father. the range of wwomen in ocuppation has increase" this quote was taken from the representation of genders in the past. This quote can also express upon why the representation of females within the hip hop industrie has changed As there were more females staying at home , they are most likely to watch television. By having songs about female equality and power can boost the ratings of the videos and can lead to an increase of sales . However as the roles slowly change up , and there were more men staying at home lookin after their children and homes whilst the females became the bread winners. This lead to more men watching television hense there was a change of representation within the hip hop industrie as female rappers like Lil Kim and Nicki Minaj were now being objectifield in order to appeal to the male gaze according to Mulvey. Artist like Nicki Minaj started to dress provoctivley and change the masculine appearance of females in hip hop like Queen Latifah. Brian McNair calls this the sexualisation of culture ‘strip tease culture’.

Women can also interpret laddism as a sign that men would prefer them to go back to being more traditionally ‘feminine’ since men feel they are being more ‘masculine’.Waghorn,J (1999). A message for the media:young women talk.London: Livewire pg48 . can express the reason why the representation of females within the hip hop industrie has changed as men , prefer then to go back to being more feminie. As men are also the main cons

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