Thursday 8 December 2011

quotes from books

conffessions of a video vixen

cant stop , wont stop by Jeff Chang
they have a right to speak in the way its coming up. Hip hop is the voice of the generation. Even if you didnt grow up in the bronx in the 1970 its still there for you.

" Rappers want to be so bling bling . Are you really living a luxury life ? dont you have other issues?
‘’It brings white kids together with black kids with yellow kids, they all have something in common that they love.’’
Check the technique

Hip hop models (alternatively: hip hop honeys; video girls[1]) are female models who appear in hip-hop-oriented music videos and related men's magazines, calendars, award shows, beauty pageants, or live performances. Many video models are aspiring actors, singers, dancers, or professional models. Their reasons for appearing in rap videos can vary, with most hip hop models hoping to gain commercial exposure and make a living. Other video models work for free and have a brief moment in the limelight.[2]
Onika Tanya Maraj, known by her stage name Nicki Minaj, (pronounced /mɪˈnɑːʒ/; born December 8, 1982) is a Trinidadian-born American recording artist. She was born in Saint James, Trinidad and Tobago, and moved to the Queens borough of New York City when she was five years old.
After releasing three mixtapes between 2007 and 2009 and being signed to Young Money Entertainment in August 2009, Minaj released her debut album, Pink Friday in November 2010. It quickly became a commercial success, peaking at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 and being certified Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) a month after its release.[2][3] She became the first artist to have seven singles on the Billboard Hot 100 at the same time.[4] Her second single, "Your Love", reached #1 on the Billboard Hot Rap Songs chart, making Minaj the first female artist to top the chart unaccompanied since Missy Elliott accomplished it with Work It in 2002.[5] She also became the first female artist to be included on MTV's Annual Hottest MC List.[6] Minaj was named the 2011 Rising Star by Billboard.[7]
Minaj released her first mixtape in 2007 after releasing Playtime Is Over with Dirty Money Records. She released another mixtape on July 7, 2008, titled Sucka Free, under the label Be.

Misogyny in hip hop culture
Misogyny in hip hop culture refers to lyrics, videos or other aspects of hip hop culture that support, glorify, justify, or normalize the objectification, exploitation, or victimization of women.[1] Misogyny in rap music instills and perpetuates negative stereotypes about women. It can range from innuendoes to stereotypical characterizations and defamations.[2] Overt misogyny in rap music emerged in the late 1980s, and has since then defined the music of numerous hip hop artists.[2]
Hip hop has had a tremendous influence on modern popular culture, saturating mass media through music videos, radio broadcasts, and a variety of other mediums. Rap music is by far the most popular music genre for 8- to-18-year-olds.[3] Gangsta rap, the most commercially successful subgenre of hip hop,[4] has been particularly criticized and associated with misogyny.[5

Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks / Lick on these nuts and suck the dick / Get’s the fuck out after you’re done / And I hops in my ride to make a quick run.
  1. ^ Weitzer & Kubrin 2009, p. 10.
  2. ^ a b c d e Adams, Terri M. and Douglas B. Fuller (2006). "The Words Have Changed but the Ideology Remains the Same: Misogynistic Lyrics in Rap Music". Journal of Black Studies 36 (6): 938-957. DOI: 10.1177/0021934704274072.
Music historically has been a medium for human social expression.This social expression can take many forms, from trimph and hope to utter fraustarion and despair

Misoygynitic lyrics of gansgsta raps are hateful indeed , but they do not represent black culuture nor do they fundementally from women hatingdiscoureses that are common amounsgt white men. The danger of this insight is that it might be read as a black migosny.
Johnson 1996

Monday 5 December 2011

5 more guardian quotes , 5 book titles and 5 quotes from a broadsheet newspaper

Nicki Minaj and the rise of the titillating female rapper
"The female body is rarely a site of empowerment except when it is being objectified to define female strength through heterosexist sexiness, which, displayed for male satisfaction, creates little real power for women. Because female rappers' value lies in their ability to perform masculinity as well as be sexually objectified, when a femcee is not performing the role of the sexually available coquette nor the female thug, her power and agency are nonexistent.""

"The opening shot of Minaj's face quickly cuts to her bouncing chest, while the camera pans slowly over Trina's exposed thighs as she struts around the set, proclaiming their five-star status.  "

"However, her image and positioning mark her out as different to her male counterparts. On theRhymesayer's artist page, Psalm One is surrounded by male artists in thoughtful, pensive, or playful poses. She is pictured in a shoulder-baring tube top, with one hand clasped across her throat – an image that positions her as feminine, vulnerable, and coquettish. "

A funky new era: why women MCs are ruling UK clubs again?
"British female rappers have always been a breed apart. While their male counterparts have tended to wear their debt to US hip-hop greats with pride, the likes of Ms Dynamite and Stush have shied away from the sexually explicit shock tactics employed by Americans such as Lil' Kim and Trina. "

"Stush, the chipmunk-voiced chatterbox who first came to prominence in 2002 with the grime classic Dollar Sign, laughs at the thought of copying the Americans. "Over here, if you came out with that talk, you'd just get people going, 'Oh, that girl's a slag, man!' All the guys would switch on you, you'd get no respect.""

"Chann, for example, made her name last year with the funky house/dancehall hybrid Your Eye Too Fast. Over garage producer Sticky's Fugitive Riddim, a bucking bronco of a beat, she delivers a rambunctious ­verbal whipping so ferocious that you fear for the poor, cowering man's life. "Me ah the Chris Brown! You ah the Rihanna!" she hollers. Chann is just as boisterous in ­person, her 19-to-the-dozen chatter punctuated only by the occasional uproarious laugh. "Hahahaaaa! Obviously, it wasn't funny as such, but I have to use metaphors!" she guffaws. "I just thought, I'm switching it! And yeah, if I was in that situation and Chris Brown tried to do that to me" – she smacks her fist into her palm – "Nah. I'd go Chris Brown on him."

'We can beatbox just as well as the boys'

 "Being a woman in hip-hop isn't about wearing a little pair of shorts and shaking your arse for guys," she says. "It's about empowering yourself by performing something you believe in."

The first track on the album is called "I'm the Best" and, as opening salvos go, it's a pretty irrefutable claim. On it, she raps: "I'm fighting for the girls that never thought they could win" and: "I am here to reverse the curse that they lived in." Minaj is fully aware that "a lot is riding on this album".

But recently," as she says, "I've switched it up and just tried to show people a whole different bunch of sides to me. I would be lying if I said I don't like to look sexy. But then there are some days when I don't want to look or feel sexy. So it just plays into how women are so multifaceted. Men don't understand that because they wake up and they're the same person unless you're a KenBarb [a Nikki-ism for a gay guy] and you can understand the girls.

Fashioning the feminine
- conffessions of a video vixen karrine stefens

the guardian

Thursday 1 December 2011

Critial investiagte media article


Nicki Minaj: 'I want to get girls excited about being female rappers again.'
Name any current hip-hop artist and the chances are that 25-year-old Nicki Minaj, a woman repeatedly hailed as the future of female rap, has worked with them. Among her countless collaborators is Kanye West, a man so in awe that he's described her as "the scariest artist right now." She lent a now-celebrated rap to his track "Monster" which included the brilliant boast that she commands "50k for a verse no album out!" Now though, finally, her debut is out: Pink Friday has been so hyped and so long awaited that its release last week reached that curious status of an "event".

Buy it from

  1. Buy the CD
  2. Download as MP3
  3. Nicki Minaj
  4. Pink Friday
  5. Young Money
  6. 2010
As I wait to meet her at her label's New York office, there are at least six people engaged in frantic preparations. One is tasked with fetching drinks ("Not soda — juice!"). Another runs in bearing an icebox for the juice-not-soda. Someone else is on the phone urgently trying to sort out some honey. When the lady herself arrives, she's flanked by about 11 people and I'm kicked out until 15 minutes later the door is reopened by a woman filled with all the bonhomie of a prison warden. She jerks her head inside: "You ready?"
Inside, a petite and pinkified Minaj is perched in an armchair clutching a cup of tea. She's well wrapped up against a New York November but out from the swaddled layers peek two fluoro-fuchsia legs that end in silver stacked heels. Before moving to the borough of Queens at the age of five, she lived with her grandmother in Trinidad and Tobago, but now she speaks in a voice as honeyed as the tea she's sipping and keeps clearing her throat, a dainty little mannerism indicating a diva's concern for her pipes.
When I ask what it is about her that she thinks has got people so excited she answers immediately: "Daring to smile and have fun again in hip-hop." She goes on, warming: "Fresh, new, different, exciting… pink! Euphoria! Saying, you know what, this may be the most hideous outfit that you've ever seen but I don't care and I'm gonna wear it. People enjoy theatrics, they want a show, they want to be entertained."
And entertain she does. It's not often that a serious hip-hop artist makes you laugh, but Minaj's flourishes of operatic vibrato and her cartoonish, wide-eyed performance style are hilarious. But the excitement surrounding her album is also, no doubt, down to a paucity of young female MCs. That she should be both enormously talented as well as original and funny goes some way to explaining the Pink Friday mania.
The first track on the album is called "I'm the Best" and, as opening salvos go, it's a pretty irrefutable claim. On it, she raps: "I'm fighting for the girls that never thought they could win" and: "I am here to reverse the curse that they lived in." Minaj is fully aware that "a lot is riding on this album".
"I realise that when this album does well there are doors that will be kicked open for female rappers immediately. I always wanted to be someone who spearheaded a movement, not just did something that worked for me. I want to get girls excited about being female rappers again and knowing that they can be kooky, goofy, playful, serious, hardcore – whatever it is, but you have the choice now."
Does she think hip-hop is still a man's world? She takes a huge breath and then lets out a long sigh.
"I just want to be so careful in the way that I answer that question." She pauses. "I mean, statistically, maybe yes. But realistically, no. I feel that I am doing everything the boys can and have done, plus more. And so if I go ahead and say, 'Yeah, it's man's world', I feel like I would make young girls feel like, 'Oh God, well Nicki even said it's a man's world.' No, no: it's a leader's world. Doesn't matter if you're a man or woman."
She does concede, though, that female MCs have been, "a little lost for a few years. We just had to get back our footing, get back our confidence. Female rappers tend to have a lower self-esteem and they don't believe in themselves as much as they should."
Such sisterliness isn't felt by all parties. Recently, a video surfaced of her peer Lil' Kim performing in a club, declaring: "I will erase this bitch's social security number… I'd kill that bitch with my old shit." It's assumed that she was responding to Minaj's track "Roman's Revenge", a formidable and foul-mouthed collaboration with Eminem, in which Minaj spits the inimitable lines: "Word, that bitch mad 'cause I took the spot?/ Well, bitch, if you ain't shittin', then get off the pot."
The Roman of the title is one of Minaj's alter egos, Roman Zolanski. She seamlessly switches into a posh, vaguely British accent to introduce him to me.
"Roman's a little gay boy who lives in me. And every time I talk he sort of just appears and I tell him, 'Roman, you know, stop it, you've gone mad, I tell you, mad.' He's an outlet to say what I need to say but sometimes don't want to." Sure enough, the track ends with Nicki-as-Roman's mother, crying: "Stop it! Stop it!" and: "Wash your mouth out with soap, boys", a deft little feint towards self-censorship.
Now Minaj is on an alter-ego roll: "Then there's Barbie," she says, in a tiny, breathy voice. This, to honour her with her full name, is Harajuku Barbie; the epithet refers to the playful street fashions found around Harajuku station in Tokyo to which Minaj, with her pink-dipped, bright blond hair, seems indebted.
"She's innocent," explains Minaj-as-Barbie. "She lives in a fantasy land and she plays dress up. And she's really cutesy. And, you know, you can't be mad at her because she's sweet."
She has previously said that she adopted these fantasy identities to escape the sound of her parents fighting: according to Minaj, her father drank, took drugs and once tried to kill her mother by setting the house on fire. Snapping into a tougher twang now, she says: " Then you have Nicki who's straight out of the streets of Southside Jamaica, Queens, New York City, who has been working on her craft for seven, eight, nine years and is now ready to rule the world."
Minaj has already created a whole world, though. Her online Nictionary will tell you, for example, that "Alfred Bitchcock" is "a term of endearment from one bitchy Harajuku Barbie to another", while a "Strawberry Shortcake" is "one who loses sight of her goals and her CAKE by focusing on BEEF and negativity".
It's funny and engaging, but the point is that the idiolect and alter egos seem to keep her balanced as the pressure of her burgeoning fame builds. "They keep each other from being suicidal at times," she says. "And I hate to use that term loosely, but… you can tell people, 'Don't kill yourself, don't be weak', but until you walk a day in someone's shoes you don't know what that real pressure is. We're human. I create personalities to get through the day. It's like a defence mechanism for me so I don't have to deal with everything."
One of the things Minaj has had to deal with is that wearisome question of image. When she first started putting out mixtapes (the first was 2007's "Playtime Is Over"), most photoshoots she did were overtly sexual.
"But recently," as she says, "I've switched it up and just tried to show people a whole different bunch of sides to me. I would be lying if I said I don't like to look sexy. But then there are some days when I don't want to look or feel sexy. So it just plays into how women are so multifaceted. Men don't understand that because they wake up and they're the same person unless you're a KenBarb [a Nikki-ism for a gay guy] and you can understand the girls.
"All the leading women in pop and R&B are usually beautiful women wearing tiny outfits so if someone says, 'I don't feel the pressure', it's probably not true. But it's weird because I feel most comfortable when I'm covered up. I think that's the biggest misconception – that in order for me to be sexy I have to make sure my boobs are out."
Before I'm ushered away Minaj says: "I'm not superhuman. I go through what the girls go through; I cry and I scream and I huff and I puff and I blow the house down but eventually, it's just like a voice inside of me says, 'Bitch! You ain't done yet!' You know?"
Superhuman – perhaps not. But superstar – most certainly. And she ain't done yet

Wednesday 30 November 2011

research and articles

How have female hip hop artist like Nicki Minaj , changed the alternative representations of females in the hip hop industrie today?

Nicki Minaj and the rise of the titillating female rapper
"The female body is rarely a site of empowerment except when it is being objectified to define female strength through heterosexist sexiness, which, displayed for male satisfaction, creates little real power for women. Because female rappers' value lies in their ability to perform masculinity as well as be sexually objectified, when a femcee is not performing the role of the sexually available coquette nor the female thug, her power and agency are nonexistent.""

"The opening shot of Minaj's face quickly cuts to her bouncing chest, while the camera pans slowly over Trina's exposed thighs as she struts around the set, proclaiming their five-star status.  "

"However, her image and positioning mark her out as different to her male counterparts. On the Rhymesayer's artist page, Psalm One is surrounded by male artists in thoughtful, pensive, or playful poses. She is pictured in a shoulder-baring tube top, with one hand clasped across her throat – an image that positions her as feminine, vulnerable, and coquettish. "

A funky new era: why women MCs are ruling UK clubs again?
"British female rappers have always been a breed apart. While their male counterparts have tended to wear their debt to US hip-hop greats with pride, the likes of Ms Dynamite and Stush have shied away from the sexually explicit shock tactics employed by Americans such as Lil' Kim and Trina. "

"Stush, the chipmunk-voiced chatterbox who first came to prominence in 2002 with the grime classic Dollar Sign, laughs at the thought of copying the Americans. "Over here, if you came out with that talk, you'd just get people going, 'Oh, that girl's a slag, man!' All the guys would switch on you, you'd get no respect.""

"Chann, for example, made her name last year with the funky house/dancehall hybrid Your Eye Too Fast. Over garage producer Sticky's Fugitive Riddim, a bucking bronco of a beat, she delivers a rambunctious ­verbal whipping so ferocious that you fear for the poor, cowering man's life. "Me ah the Chris Brown! You ah the Rihanna!" she hollers. Chann is just as boisterous in ­person, her 19-to-the-dozen chatter punctuated only by the occasional uproarious laugh. "Hahahaaaa! Obviously, it wasn't funny as such, but I have to use metaphors!" she guffaws. "I just thought, I'm switching it! And yeah, if I was in that situation and Chris Brown tried to do that to me" – she smacks her fist into her palm – "Nah. I'd go Chris Brown on him."

'We can beatbox just as well as the boys'

 "Being a woman in hip-hop isn't about wearing a little pair of shorts and shaking your arse for guys," she says. "It's about empowering yourself by performing something you believe in."

The first track on the album is called "I'm the Best" and, as opening salvos go, it's a pretty irrefutable claim. On it, she raps: "I'm fighting for the girls that never thought they could win" and: "I am here to reverse the curse that they lived in." Minaj is fully aware that "a lot is riding on this album".

But recently," as she says, "I've switched it up and just tried to show people a whole different bunch of sides to me. I would be lying if I said I don't like to look sexy. But then there are some days when I don't want to look or feel sexy. So it just plays into how women are so multifaceted. Men don't understand that because they wake up and they're the same person unless you're a KenBarb [a Nikki-ism for a gay guy] and you can understand the girls.

Monday 28 November 2011

Critical investigation

"How do female hip hop artist like nicki minaj represent females within the music industries"

- A music video to show alternative representations within the music industrie
- Mark , Shna , Jason working is who i am working with


M    can be constructed by wearing different clothes , hair , make up , to show the alternative repsentation of the females in the music industrie

I - the institutions is socially constructed , for example the language which may be within the music video and where the song is from a hip hop hollywood genre or british songs

G - the genre of this music video is going to be edgy and rough , it will also have a hip hop genre

R- the music video will represent both typical and alternative representations of a females , however a different represernation will be shown more

A - thr audience for this music video will be young teenagers and older teenagers , this is due to the content of the song and how the video is directed ,


N - the narrative of the story will be due to the song behind the music the video , which will tell the story of the viedo


 Females are represented as sex objectives however that has changed due to a various of female hip hop artist that have come out. For example ,

The video doe relate to the contemporary media landscape as it relates tot he critital investigation. The issues and debates for selecting this media investigation is that females may still be represented as video vixens and sexualised objectives , however others can argue that this is different and females are more independent and males are used a video vixens instead

Laura mulvey
Laura Mulvey argued that Hollywood cinema objectified women in a image for the pleasure of men, where cinema followed a patriarchal ideology this, vision was called the ‘Male Gaze’. The theory made in the 1970s where not just Hollywood but most of the world was male dominated. The action genre in particular has been challenged by Mulvey’s theory; men have played the active role whereas the woman plays a more passive role.

Mulvey argued that women where set into to different characters one which was to be the sexually active female and the other who was seen as a powerless female stereotypically seen as ‘The housewife’

Wednesday 9 November 2011

critical investigation

Bianas critical investigation 

A fluent and analytical investigation which explores the chosen topic from a clear, autonomous 
and critical perspective, making use of extensive and wide-ranging research which has clearly 
been employed in the investigation and detailed in the bibliography, making use of a wide range 
of academic, media and contextual sources. The investigation demonstrates sophisticated 
research and engagement with the primary text(s) and a range of secondary texts. It is well 
presented with a very detailed bibliography/source list (AO4).
The investigation demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding of media 
concepts, contexts and critical debates relevant to the chosen area of investigation. The work 
contextualises the study and the linked production piece effectively within the contemporary 
media landscape (AO1).
At the top of this level candidates demonstrate very good understanding of the chosen area 
of investigation, very good, independent research skills and very good application of media 
concepts, contexts and critical debates. The link between the investigation and the production 
is cogent, clear and evident.

Reality shows aim to reflect reality by using real people in real situations, however Supernanny and Wife Swap have a more constructed nature to them. Cinema verité was a movement that inspired filmmakers to explore realism in film; no use of narrative and little ideology was imposed in the text. This is seen in Titicut Follies (Frederick Wiseman, 1967), a documentary about “the horrid conditions at a Massachusetts asylum” showing the “raw, hellish reality of living” there. The cinema verité style is also seen in Police (Roger Graef, UK, 1982), a popular “fly-on-the-wall documentary” . These documentaries showed real people in real situations, and this concept of “reality” is what programmes like Supernanny and Wife Swap aim to achieve. For example, Supernanny’s voice over provides specific information about the family, representing them as real people with real situations. We are given their names, “the Collins family”, we see them in their house and back garden. However, some may argue this is hyper-reality, "the simulation of something which never really existed" , and that audiences are unable to distinguish reality and constructed reality.

- use of theorys and name of theorist given
- specific case study

"Reality TV couldn't be the success story it is if it didn’t appeal to lots of different kinds of audiences” . Wife Swap is targeted at 16-45 year olds with a wider audience of 14-60 year olds. Interestingly, the documentary has the capability to appeal to all of Young and Rubican’s 4Cs as the documentary represents these people through their lifestyle and values, which audiences can identify and support. For example the Ahmed’s are a Resigned family as they stick to historical and cultural traditions as the father says “it is Islamic tradition when we touch food to wash hands”, while the Escotts are Reformers, independent with their individual values as “the one thing they are united on is drama student Beck’s sexuality”. Not only does it appeal to a wide range of 4Cs but a wide range of ethnicities as they want to see how they are represented in the documentary showing its wide appeal.
- Good knowledge of topic and who it apply to
- links back to critical investigation

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Newspapers - The Effect of Online Technology

The Arab Spring
Ian Tomlinson's death

Gadaffi's death

Monday 31 October 2011

The rise and rise of UGC questions

  • What was one of the first examples of news being generated by ‘ordinary people’?
Video cameras had become more
common and more people could afford them…unfortunately for four Los Angeles police officers! Having
caught Rodney King, an African-American, after a high speed chase, the officers surrounded him, tasered
him and beat him with clubs. The event was filmed by an onlooker from his apartment window.

  • List some of the formats for participation that are now offered by news organisations.
Bebo, MySpace,
YouTube and Facebook. People also turn to UGC sites to access news: Wikipedia news, Google news and
YouTube score highly in terms of where people go to get their news.
what is one of the main differences between professionally shot footage and that taken first-hand (UGC)?

Professional footage seems more fake and set up for the viewers after the event takes place , it also is behind the "stay out "labell that is surrouding the scenes where the journalist seens the aftermath of the major event thta has taken place.
However first hand footage is whilst the major event is happening and more grainy and blurry. It shows a first hand experience of what is happening and much more emotive.

  • What is a gatekeeper?
Gate keepers deceide what can be aired to the public and what cant be aired. What is and isnt on the news and what is aloud to be broadcasted and what isnt.
  • How has the role of a gatekeeper changed?
the change in the landscape of the news means that groups who had little access
to self-representation before, such as youth groups, low income groups, and various minority groups may,
 through citizen journalism, begin to find that they too have a voice.The gate keeprs now use internet within their careers to see if what is suitbale and what isnt for the public
  • What is one of the primary concerns held by journalists over the rise of UGC?
that there are social netowkorking sites which are doing the job for the jounalist by publish news and events in society. Therefore if citizen journalist do , there is no need for journalist to be in society , therefore there is a fear of their careers.

  • What is meant by the term ‘citizen journalist’?
this is when ordinary people who are first hand witness of an event and have no jounalist qualifications film an interesting event thta is taking place in society.

Monday 3 October 2011

Yahoo case study

Who owns the site ?

Yahoo is a publicly-traded company listed on the NASDAQ Stock exchange under the ticker symbol YHOO. According to Yahoo finance, "The company was founded by David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994. Yahoo! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California."

Do they also own traditional media?
yahoo doesn't own any traditional media , the company only owns web based sites

What other internet site do they own?

fire eagle 
Flickr - a photography sharing website
Foxy Tunes- is a browser extension which allows the user to control media players from the browser window.

Wrench - a Taiwanese social 

What is its revenue

Revenuedecrease US$ 6.324 billion (2010)[1]
Operating incomeincrease US$ 1.070 billion (2010)[1]
Net incomeincrease US$ 1.232 billion (2010)[1]
Total assetsdecrease US$ 14.928 billion (2010)[1]
Total equityincrease US$ 12.596 billion (2010)[1]

What is it overall worth
12.596 billion dollars  is worth £ 8153390800000

Five facts about the institution
1. Stanford Student’s Jerry Yang and David Filo first started Yahoo! in February of 1994 to keep track of their own interests online. They named their project “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web.”
2.  Yahoo’s email service, which they purchased from Four11 in 1997, is still considered to be the most popular email program in America.
10. Yahoo began as a project created by two individuals and has grown to employ estimated 13,000 full time individuals.
3. One of Yahoo’s highest priced acquisitions was, which they paid a reported $5.7 billion for. On the other hand, their cheapest acquisition was their purchase of Net Controls for slightly over $1 million in 1997.
4.  In 2006 Yahoo’s image search gained criticism for displaying sexually explicit images in their results, even when the SafeSearch was on. Less than a year later the image search feature was shut down and replaced with Yahoo’s recently acquired Flickr photo sharing community.

5. Yahoo currently owns and operates over fifty different web properties, most of which are sites that gained popularity before being acquired by Yahoo. Some examples include Geocities, Yahoo! Games,, Flickr, and

3 quotes + references about the yahoo institution

 two summarized wikipedia articles

History and growth

This article basically talks about how yahoo started of by two electrical students, Jerry Yang and David Filo from Stanford university. They created a webpage in January 1995 called " David and Jerry guide to the world wide web", however at the end of January , the webpage was renamed " Yahoo" , the name YAHOO came from the acronym of " "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". There was a lot of controversial due to the name of the website. Many people thought it was rude , uncouth and unsophisticated. Yahoo grew rapidly during the 1990s.
In 2000 yahoo started using more technology within its webpage and created a mail website to compete with Google g mail. However the business struggled in 2008 with several large lay offs.
However in February 2008 Microsoft corporation wanted to purchase Yahoo for $44.6billion , however yahoo refused this offer because they felt that this price under valued the company . However later on yahoo was capitalization of $22.24 billion and dropped of their value. Carol Bartz also replaced one of the co founders of the business , Jerry Yang. However in september 2012 she was removed from this position via phone call and was replaced by Tim Morse , however she still insisted of being apart of the board of directors 


In 2000 , yahoo was taken to court in france , by preventing french citizens fofm purhcasing things related to the nazi party.

Yahoo! as well as other search engines, have cooperated with the Chinese government in censoring search results. In April 2005, dissident Shi Tao was sentenced to 10 years in prison for "providing state secrets to foreign entities as a result of being identified by IP address by Yahoo! The extent of Yahoo's foreknowledge of Shi's fate is disputed by Yahoo! General Counsel and human rights organizations.Human rights groups also accuse Yahoo! of aiding authorities in the arrest of dissident Li Zhi. 

Yahoo was also critized for showing sexually explicit images whilst having the safe search on. Yahoo is also an owner of alibaba groups which sold shark related items. However yahoo resulted into banning these shark fin products on its e mommernce platforms in the beggining of january 2009.

Key information provided on the companys corporate homepage

Mail , sports , lifestle , finance , car , movies , shopping , games , messenfer , weather , travel
updates on television programmes

Yahoo case study

Who owns the site ?

Yahoo is a publicly-traded company listed on the NASDAQ Stock exchange under the ticker symbol YHOO. According to Yahoo finance, "The company was founded by David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994. Yahoo! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California."

Do they also own traditional media?
yahoo doesn't own any traditional media , the company only owns web based sites

What other internet site do they own?

fire eagle 
Flickr - a photography sharing website
Foxy Tunes- is a browser extension which allows the user to control media players from the browser window.

Wrench - a Taiwanese social 

What is its revenue

Revenuedecrease US$ 6.324 billion (2010)[1]
Operating incomeincrease US$ 1.070 billion (2010)[1]
Net incomeincrease US$ 1.232 billion (2010)[1]
Total assetsdecrease US$ 14.928 billion (2010)[1]
Total equityincrease US$ 12.596 billion (2010)[1]

What is it overal worth
12.596 billion dollars  is worth £ 8153390800000

Five facts about the institution
1. Stanford Student’s Jerry Yang and David Filo first started Yahoo! in February of 1994 to keep track of their own interests online. They named their project “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web.”
2.  Yahoo’s email service, which they purchased from Four11 in 1997, is still considered to be the most popular email program in America.
10. Yahoo began as a project created by two individuals and has grown to employ estimated 13,000 full time individuals.
3. One of Yahoo’s highest priced acquisitions was, which they paid a reported $5.7 billion for. On the other hand, their cheapest acquisition was their purchase of Net Controls for slightly over $1 million in 1997.
4.  In 2006 Yahoo’s image search gained criticism for displaying sexually explicit images in their results, even when the SafeSearch was on. Less than a year later the image search feature was shut down and replaced with Yahoo’s recently acquired Flickr photo sharing community.

3 quotes + references about the yahoo institution

 two summaired wikipedia acticles

Key information provided on the companys corporate homepage