Monday 31 October 2011

The rise and rise of UGC questions

  • What was one of the first examples of news being generated by ‘ordinary people’?
Video cameras had become more
common and more people could afford them…unfortunately for four Los Angeles police officers! Having
caught Rodney King, an African-American, after a high speed chase, the officers surrounded him, tasered
him and beat him with clubs. The event was filmed by an onlooker from his apartment window.

  • List some of the formats for participation that are now offered by news organisations.
Bebo, MySpace,
YouTube and Facebook. People also turn to UGC sites to access news: Wikipedia news, Google news and
YouTube score highly in terms of where people go to get their news.
what is one of the main differences between professionally shot footage and that taken first-hand (UGC)?

Professional footage seems more fake and set up for the viewers after the event takes place , it also is behind the "stay out "labell that is surrouding the scenes where the journalist seens the aftermath of the major event thta has taken place.
However first hand footage is whilst the major event is happening and more grainy and blurry. It shows a first hand experience of what is happening and much more emotive.

  • What is a gatekeeper?
Gate keepers deceide what can be aired to the public and what cant be aired. What is and isnt on the news and what is aloud to be broadcasted and what isnt.
  • How has the role of a gatekeeper changed?
the change in the landscape of the news means that groups who had little access
to self-representation before, such as youth groups, low income groups, and various minority groups may,
 through citizen journalism, begin to find that they too have a voice.The gate keeprs now use internet within their careers to see if what is suitbale and what isnt for the public
  • What is one of the primary concerns held by journalists over the rise of UGC?
that there are social netowkorking sites which are doing the job for the jounalist by publish news and events in society. Therefore if citizen journalist do , there is no need for journalist to be in society , therefore there is a fear of their careers.

  • What is meant by the term ‘citizen journalist’?
this is when ordinary people who are first hand witness of an event and have no jounalist qualifications film an interesting event thta is taking place in society.

Monday 3 October 2011

Yahoo case study

Who owns the site ?

Yahoo is a publicly-traded company listed on the NASDAQ Stock exchange under the ticker symbol YHOO. According to Yahoo finance, "The company was founded by David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994. Yahoo! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California."

Do they also own traditional media?
yahoo doesn't own any traditional media , the company only owns web based sites

What other internet site do they own?

fire eagle 
Flickr - a photography sharing website
Foxy Tunes- is a browser extension which allows the user to control media players from the browser window.

Wrench - a Taiwanese social 

What is its revenue

Revenuedecrease US$ 6.324 billion (2010)[1]
Operating incomeincrease US$ 1.070 billion (2010)[1]
Net incomeincrease US$ 1.232 billion (2010)[1]
Total assetsdecrease US$ 14.928 billion (2010)[1]
Total equityincrease US$ 12.596 billion (2010)[1]

What is it overall worth
12.596 billion dollars  is worth £ 8153390800000

Five facts about the institution
1. Stanford Student’s Jerry Yang and David Filo first started Yahoo! in February of 1994 to keep track of their own interests online. They named their project “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web.”
2.  Yahoo’s email service, which they purchased from Four11 in 1997, is still considered to be the most popular email program in America.
10. Yahoo began as a project created by two individuals and has grown to employ estimated 13,000 full time individuals.
3. One of Yahoo’s highest priced acquisitions was, which they paid a reported $5.7 billion for. On the other hand, their cheapest acquisition was their purchase of Net Controls for slightly over $1 million in 1997.
4.  In 2006 Yahoo’s image search gained criticism for displaying sexually explicit images in their results, even when the SafeSearch was on. Less than a year later the image search feature was shut down and replaced with Yahoo’s recently acquired Flickr photo sharing community.

5. Yahoo currently owns and operates over fifty different web properties, most of which are sites that gained popularity before being acquired by Yahoo. Some examples include Geocities, Yahoo! Games,, Flickr, and

3 quotes + references about the yahoo institution

 two summarized wikipedia articles

History and growth

This article basically talks about how yahoo started of by two electrical students, Jerry Yang and David Filo from Stanford university. They created a webpage in January 1995 called " David and Jerry guide to the world wide web", however at the end of January , the webpage was renamed " Yahoo" , the name YAHOO came from the acronym of " "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". There was a lot of controversial due to the name of the website. Many people thought it was rude , uncouth and unsophisticated. Yahoo grew rapidly during the 1990s.
In 2000 yahoo started using more technology within its webpage and created a mail website to compete with Google g mail. However the business struggled in 2008 with several large lay offs.
However in February 2008 Microsoft corporation wanted to purchase Yahoo for $44.6billion , however yahoo refused this offer because they felt that this price under valued the company . However later on yahoo was capitalization of $22.24 billion and dropped of their value. Carol Bartz also replaced one of the co founders of the business , Jerry Yang. However in september 2012 she was removed from this position via phone call and was replaced by Tim Morse , however she still insisted of being apart of the board of directors 


In 2000 , yahoo was taken to court in france , by preventing french citizens fofm purhcasing things related to the nazi party.

Yahoo! as well as other search engines, have cooperated with the Chinese government in censoring search results. In April 2005, dissident Shi Tao was sentenced to 10 years in prison for "providing state secrets to foreign entities as a result of being identified by IP address by Yahoo! The extent of Yahoo's foreknowledge of Shi's fate is disputed by Yahoo! General Counsel and human rights organizations.Human rights groups also accuse Yahoo! of aiding authorities in the arrest of dissident Li Zhi. 

Yahoo was also critized for showing sexually explicit images whilst having the safe search on. Yahoo is also an owner of alibaba groups which sold shark related items. However yahoo resulted into banning these shark fin products on its e mommernce platforms in the beggining of january 2009.

Key information provided on the companys corporate homepage

Mail , sports , lifestle , finance , car , movies , shopping , games , messenfer , weather , travel
updates on television programmes

Yahoo case study

Who owns the site ?

Yahoo is a publicly-traded company listed on the NASDAQ Stock exchange under the ticker symbol YHOO. According to Yahoo finance, "The company was founded by David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994. Yahoo! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California."

Do they also own traditional media?
yahoo doesn't own any traditional media , the company only owns web based sites

What other internet site do they own?

fire eagle 
Flickr - a photography sharing website
Foxy Tunes- is a browser extension which allows the user to control media players from the browser window.

Wrench - a Taiwanese social 

What is its revenue

Revenuedecrease US$ 6.324 billion (2010)[1]
Operating incomeincrease US$ 1.070 billion (2010)[1]
Net incomeincrease US$ 1.232 billion (2010)[1]
Total assetsdecrease US$ 14.928 billion (2010)[1]
Total equityincrease US$ 12.596 billion (2010)[1]

What is it overal worth
12.596 billion dollars  is worth £ 8153390800000

Five facts about the institution
1. Stanford Student’s Jerry Yang and David Filo first started Yahoo! in February of 1994 to keep track of their own interests online. They named their project “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web.”
2.  Yahoo’s email service, which they purchased from Four11 in 1997, is still considered to be the most popular email program in America.
10. Yahoo began as a project created by two individuals and has grown to employ estimated 13,000 full time individuals.
3. One of Yahoo’s highest priced acquisitions was, which they paid a reported $5.7 billion for. On the other hand, their cheapest acquisition was their purchase of Net Controls for slightly over $1 million in 1997.
4.  In 2006 Yahoo’s image search gained criticism for displaying sexually explicit images in their results, even when the SafeSearch was on. Less than a year later the image search feature was shut down and replaced with Yahoo’s recently acquired Flickr photo sharing community.

3 quotes + references about the yahoo institution

 two summaired wikipedia acticles

Key information provided on the companys corporate homepage